गुरुवार, 22 नवंबर 2018
Front office coordinates with other Departments
♣ Housekeeping
1. हाउसकीपिंग रूम रिपोर्ट.
हाउसकीपिंग रूम रिपोर्ट कमरे पर कड़े नियंत्रण रखने के लिए, हाउसकीपिंग और फ्रंट ऑफिस को बारीकी से समन्वय करना पड़ता है। एक तरीका कमरे की रिपोर्ट के माध्यम से है, जिससे, हाउसकीपिंग स्टाफ हर मंजिल के प्रत्येक कमरे की जांच करता है और हर कमरे की रिपोर्ट फॉर्म बनाए रखने की अपने कर्मचारियों की सलाह देता है।
Housekeeping room report.
To keep a tight control over rooms, the housekeeping and front office have to coordinate closely. One way is through the room report, whereby, the housekeeping staffs checks each room of every floor and advice their staff by maintaining small room report form.
2. Discrepancy report.
A discrepancy report is prepared by the front desk on receiving the room report from housekeeping. Front office compares it with the room and for a reconciliation of room status. Discrepancies noticed between room rack and housekeeping room report and noticed down on a separate report called "discrepancy report" which is then handed over to the bellboy for a physical check and to report back to the room under discrepancy.
3. Room clearance arrangements.
When a guest checks out, front office immediately informs to the housekeeping desk to clean the room so that to resale it. This information is controlled on departure information control sheet. Housekeeping in return would have to inform the Front Office immediately after the room has been cleaned and prepared for sale to the guest. The checked out room handed over to the housekeeping is called Departure Room and cleared room handed over to the front office is known as "cleared Room".
4. Occupancy status.
After reconciling the room rack with housekeeping room report, the front office reception compiles data on the "occupancy" position of the hotel for the day in the form of a report. This completion and analysis of occupancy data is referred to as "night room report" and is invariably prepared by the night receptionist.
5. Special arrangement of groups and VIP's.
The front office informs the Housekeeping to be alert to attend to rooms occupied by groups or VIP . Service has to be quicker and efficient. Housekeeping provides "flowers" for VIPs in the room on receipt of amenities voucher issued by the front desk. Guest amenities to be supplied may be flower bunch, cookies Basket / welcome back cake (From Room Service) , slippers and bathroom amenities.
♣ Accounts
1. Front office cashier.
Front office cashier receives payments for guest stay in the hotel. This is the point where all the charge vouchers (bills) generated by the guests are received to be included in the overall bill. Close relation between lobby manager and front office cashier is imperative. The bell captain must inform the cashier about the intended check out of the guest so that guest bills are updated and kept ready for presentation. Also, a cashier is informed of a new arrival by the reception by opening and forwarding new folio in the guest name, giving room number and check in time with defined billing instructions which the cashier places in the bill tray against the appropriate room.
2. Night auditor.
The night auditor audits all the guest bill received from the front office cashier. He prepares and proves all the transaction for clarity and accuracy.
3. City ledger.
Credit section receives a bill from Front Office that has extended credit as per previous agreements between the hotel and guests. This department follows up with the individual or company for payment of bills.
♣ Room Service
1. Arrivals Departures.
For the service of Food and Beverages to the occupied rooms.
2. VIP procedures.
Front office extends a relation with Room service for the guest amenities to be supplied (only for VIPs). The information from the front office is through amenities voucher.
♣ Sales and marketing.
There is very close coordination between the front office and sales; especially in soliciting their help in improving room sales on lean occupancy days. The front office also informs sales and marketing department whenever a guest who influences the business of hotel "check in" so that especial attention can be given to him or her. Sales keep the Front office updated with the new contracts made with travel agents, airlines crews, etc.
♣ Stores.
For the supply of relevant forms, formats and stationary, the front office and other departments have to keep in contact with the store and purchasing department.
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