रविवार, 4 नवंबर 2018

Types of Plan and Meals in the hotels

 European Plan (E.P)

यूरोपियन प्लान मैं होटल  प्रति रात्रि कमरे की दर और सेवा शुल्क शामिल करता है लेकिन भोजन नहीं।( सिर्फ रूम मिलता है )
Type of hotel charge which covers per night room rate and service charges but not meals.

 Continental Plan (C.P )

कॉन्टिनेंटल  योजना के तहत, कमरे में किराए के अलावा मुफ्त नाश्ता टैरिफ में शामिल हैं। और यदि आप होटल में रात्रिभोज और दोपहर का भोजन करने का फैसला करते हैं, तो आपके पास हमेशा अतिरिक्त भुगतान करने का विकल्प होता है। 
Under Continental Plan, room rent and complimentary free breakfast are included in the tariff. And in case you decide to have dinner and lunch at the hotel, you always have the option to pay extra.

 Modified American Plan (MAP)

मॉडिफाइड  अमेरिकी योजना  का मतलब है कि कमरे के किराए के अलावा होटल टैरिफ में  दिन में दो भोजन, नाश्ते और दोपहर का भोजन या रात का खाना शामिल है।
Modified American Plan  means quoted rates include two meals a day, namely breakfast and either lunch or dinner. 

 American Plan (AP)

अमेरिकी योजना का मतलब है कि कमरे के किराए के अलावा, होटल टैरिफ में सभी 3 भोजन भी शामिल हैं, जैसे नाश्ता, दोपहर का भोजन और रात का खाना.
American Plan means that apart from room rent, hotel tariff includes all 3 meals as well i.e. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Types of meals in the hotels

ВB — breakfast, beverages (tea, coffee, water)

НВ — breakfast and dinner, beverages (tea, coffee, water) are for free on breakfast, but are to be paid on dinner. 

HB+ — extended half board – breakfast and supper (buffet) plus alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks of local production are free all day long

FB — breakfast, lunch, dinner; beverages (tea, coffee, water) are for free on breakfast, but are to be paid on lunch and dinner

FB+ — breakfast, lunch, dinner plus drinks during meals

AI (ALL INC) — all included: full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner), alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks of local production.

AI+ — all included plus: full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner), alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks of local production and some services in the hotel

UAI — ultra all included: full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner), alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks of local production and some imported alcoholic drinks, as well as additional services in the hotel.

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